Location: Gulshan-Dhaka
Address: 10, Taher Tower, 2nd Floor, Gulshan-2. Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh Mobile: 0170 9998386, 0170 999 8383 Phone: 0967 881 4452, 025 881 4452 E-mail: [email protected], Web: https://bmebd.com/
ASTHA CW 120FA Automatic Full Keyboard Multi-Currency Electronic Check Writing / Printing Printer Machines has A Check Writer is a 76mm Dot Matrix Printer for protecting a check from unauthorized alteration of either the amount or the authorizing signature. A check writer leaves a written impression, accomplished by the machine applying downward force on the check and leaving a very small hit by Dot Matric Printer in the field of a check that is very difficult to alter. This device Epson ERC-27 Ribbon writer from my company can print at most 7 items, like Date, Payee, the amount in numerals or letters, Signatures, issue place, or other items.
Features: Date, Payee, signature, issue place, and Amount by both letters and numbers. Any Currency symbols can be printed before the amount in number. BDT, USD.....eg: BDT, USD1,234,567.89*, Any Currency you can print as you wish such as Dollar Cent, Euro Cent, Naira Kobo... eg: Two Hundred Thousand Naira and Thirty Kobo only. LED display, standard keyboard. Dot Matrix Printer/Needle-type Printer. The printing places and length are adjustable. Work stand-alone or connected to the computer. Connected to a computer in the US, the size of the font can be changed. Any Check size or Any Currency symbols can be printed like: BDT, USD, etc.
Note: Specifications, Design, and color of the product are subject to change due to the continuous development of the product.