Location: Banasree-Dhaka
GATOR-GRIP Does The Work Of Many Tools , sets of sockets,
standard and locking pliers, and an entire range of open-end wrenches.
Why waste time searching for the correct tool when one socket can do the work
of a whole set? The ingenious Gator Grip makes half of your toolbox obsolete!
It fits virtually anything. The one socket fits fasteners of almost any shape
square, hex, wingnuts, cup hooks, eye screws and even broken, stripped and
rusted nuts other wrenches can’t move. No more reaching into your toolbox,
grabbing socket after socket until you find one that fits. The Gator Grip
instantly conforms and locks onto any shape nut, bolt or fastener.
*Key Features:
3/8 drive professional grade socket. Self-adjusts for all
shapes and size fasteners except a perfectly round head, just file and edge.
Self-adjusts from ¼” to ¾” standard and 7mm-19mm metric.
Has a torque of over 100 LB/FT of power.
Drill adaptor turns any drill into a Power Socket Set.
Adapter and 3/8 Drive reversible ratchet included
Replaces a tool box full of tolls and so easy to use.