Location: Elephant-Road-Dhaka
ore i5 pc at low with 2 year service and 1 year replace warranty.(given picture is just a image) =>Processor -Intel Core i5 3.2ghz (i5-650) =>Mother Board : Intel Chip H55 =>Graphics : 1GB Built in =>RAM: DDR-3 2GB =>Hard Drive - 160 Gb =>Case : Thermal with 500 watt power box =>Keyboard - standard usb =>Mouse - standard usb =>Software -Win7/8/10 with update Soft (All products have replacement and MB have service warranty) ((((((((((((---- Price IS FIRM----))))))))))))
ore i5 pc at low with 2 year service and 1 year replace warranty.(given picture is just a image)
=>Processor -Intel Core i5 3.2ghz (i5-650)
=>Mother Board : Intel Chip H55
=>Graphics : 1GB Built in
=>RAM: DDR-3 2GB
=>Hard Drive - 160 Gb
=>Case : Thermal with 500 watt power box
=>Keyboard - standard usb
=>Mouse - standard usb
=>Software -Win7/8/10 with update Soft
(All products have replacement and MB have service warranty)
((((((((((((---- Price IS FIRM----))))))))))))